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Monday, January 24, 2011

A Crop Circle Appeared Mysteriously in Sleman, Yogyakarta

A Crop Circle Appeared Mysteriously in Sleman, Yogyakarta | FACEON - A Mysterious circle appeared on sunday (Jan 23th, 2011) in Sleman, Yogyakarta sparking  a speculation that it was a landing of Unidentified Flying Object (UFO) aircraft. It was the first time a mysterious circle like that appeared in Indonesia. In history, a strange circle, known as Crop Circle appeared more frequently in Europe.

Crop Circle Appeared Mysteriously in Sleman, Yogyakarta
A largest free encyclopedia site, Wikipedia, on Monday (Jan 24th, 2011), wrote that 90 percent of those weird circles were located in southern England. The appearance of crop circles have been increased from the 1970s to current times.

At least 26 countries have reported the existence of crop circles. Those countries were like United States, Japan, England, but no similar reports from Indonesia.

Wikipedia is also writing various kinds of prejudice-related formation of this strange circle. From the start made by crushing the plants with ties one end of a rope to the mower.

Crop Circle Appeared Mysteriously in Sleman, Yogyakarta
Previously reported, the citizens of Sleman, Yogyakarta, was sparked by circle that appeared mysteriously in the rice field after the hard winds. Locals believe that the giant ring-shaped as a landing of 'UFO' aircraft came from another planet.

The symbol is a circle with 70 meters in diameter. There is a mysterious symbol in the middle of that giant ring. The circle was formed by stretching the rice trees in the field that fell down after the hard winds.

Police also confirmed the emergence of a mysterious symbol that is called 'UFO'. Police even had to capture that rare event.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

EN-V, Mobil Listrik Masa Depan Tanpa Sopir

Mobil Listrik Masa Depan Tanpa Sopir | IMROEE - Para Desainer Mobil telah menemukan solusi sempurna untuk para pengendara yang lelah karena kemacetan lalu lintas dan kurangnya tempat parkir.

EN-V (Electric-Networked Vehicle) dirancang ramah linkungan dan untuk meringankan kekhawatiran para sopir atau pengendara serta isu-isu lingkungan, konsumsi dan keterjangkauan energi.

Dan yang luar biasa adalah Anda bahkan tidak perlu duduk di kursi pengemudi untuk menjalankan mobil bertenaga listrik ini karena dapat berjalan secara otomatis, tanpa perlu dikendarai pengemudinya secara manual.

Ramping, ramah lingkungan dan drive sendiri: The EN-V berjalan pada daya baterai selama sekitar 25 mil pada muatan, dengan kecepatan tertinggi 25 mil per jam
EN-V yang diproduksi General Motors dapat berputar 360 derajat dengan atau tanpa sopir

Konsep mobil listrik General Motors ini menggunakan daya baterai yang mampu berjalan sekitar 25 mil dalam keadaan bermuatan, dengan kecepatan puncak 25-mil per-jam.

Mobil masa depan yang dapat dioperasikan tanpa sopir
Satu-satunya kekurangan mobil listrik berukuran mini ini adalah tidak mampu mensejajarkan diri dengan kendaraan-kendaraan yang lebih besar. Dilihat dari bentuknya, tampaknya mudah terpental saat tersenggol oleh kendaraan yang lebih besar.

Untuk kota-kota besar pastinya bisa, membuat jalur alternatif atau jalur yang hanya dikhususkan untuk EN-V saja, membuat area tertutup hanya digunakan oleh mobil listrik tanpa sopir ini.

Buat anda yang super sibuk, tidak ada waktu untuk pergi ke pasar, mungkin anda harus memilikinya, EN-V. (

Visi masa depan: EN-V yang tertenaga listrik ini diresmikan di Las Vegas Convention Center
IMROEE | EN-V (Electric-Networked Vehicle ) Mobil Listrik Masa Depan Tanpa Sopir

Monday, January 10, 2011

BlackBerry Will Be Blocked In Indonesia

BlackBerry Will Be Blocked In Indonesia | FACEON - After the inaugurating a number of Echelon 1 for the Ministry of Communications and Informatics on Friday, January 7th 2011, the minister of Ministry of Communications and Informatics Indonesia (shortly Menkominfo) Tifatul Sembiring again revealed that he plans to block BlackBerry services in Indonesia. The reason for this is companies haven't respected as well the laws and regulations in that country.

So poor this stuff
"We ask RIM to respect and obey the laws and regulations in Indonesia," he said in an interview Tifatul with, on Sunday, January 9th, 2011.

Suddenly, the plans of blocking BlackBerry services in Indonesia again heat up the atmosphere on the Internet, especially for social networking and microblogging sites like Twitter. The Customer Research In Motion protests the plans of the Minister of Communications and Information Tifatul Sembiring blocks that service.

Tifatul Sembiring plans to block RIM service because it's associated with pornographic content that can still be accessed by users via their BlackBerry phones. Via Twitter account, He againsts the protests and harsh criticism straight in him, commented:

Tifatul Sembiring
"Just for ask, how are you all think if an institution is trying [for the best things] in this country but do not want to follow all the existing rules," tweet Minister Tifatul.

The law that he meant is Law No. 36 of 1999 on Telecommunications, Law No. 11 of 2008 on Information and Electronic Transactions (UU ITE), and Act No. 44 of 2008 on Pornography.

"Please read it slowly Law 44/2008, article 17. Government/local government must prevent the spreading of pornography in society," said Tifatul. "I just run the law, why you called it's a duping. Come on... Change the law, I will run it faithfully," he said.

Since the last Ramadan, the Ministry of Communications have tested the system blocking pornographic content on the Internet that can be accessed through various media that is connected to the Internet.

At that time, there are six largest cellular operator in Indonesia, are controlling almost 87% market internet users ready to do censorship.

That is also supported by the Association of Indonesian Internet Service Provider (APJII) who forces the internet service providers (ISPs) to provide filtered Internet service to ward off porn sites.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Kata-Kata Bijak Yang Sangat Mengharukan

Anda senang mengoleksi kata-kata Bijak yang keren itu? Ini dia beberapa Kata-Kata Bijak Yang Sangat Mengharukan yang pernah ada versi sebagian orang:

1. Uang bukan segalanya >> Tentu saja karena masih ada Mastercard dan Visa.

2. Kita seharusnya menyukai binatang >> Mereka rasanya lezat.

3. Hematlah air >> Mandilah berdua di bawah shower bersama kekasih.

4. Di belakang setiap pria sukses ada seorang wanita hebat >> Di belakang setiap pria yg tidak sukses ada 2 wanita.

5. Cintailah tetangga >> Memang, rumput tetangga kan lebih hijau.

6. Orang bijaksana tidak menikah >> setelah menikah mereka menjadi bijak sana & bijak sini.

7. Cinta itu photogenic >> Dia memerlukan tempat gelap untuk berkembang.

8. Pakaian itu adalah pagar pelindung >> Pagar harusnya hanya melindungi bukan menghalangi pemandangan yang indah.

9. Semakin banyak belajar, semakin banyak yang kita tahu >> Semakin banyak yang kita tahu, semakin banyak yang kita lupa >> Semakin banyak yang kita lupa, semakin sedikit yang kita tahu >> Jadi kenapa kita sibuk-sibuk belajar???

10. Masa depan tergantung pada impian kamu >> Maka pergilah tidur saja sekarang!

FaceOn | Kata-Kata Bijak Yang Sangat Mengharukan