Knowledge, Music and Study Like a Link & Match For Me

Friday, February 11, 2011

If Eggs Got the Feelings

This is not about the amount of your own TWO EGGs, but this is REALLY about EGGs. We know that eggs are good for food ingredients to fulfill the necessary nutrients of our body, the taste is good, easily digested, and its  match to consumed for all of ages, from infants to the elderly. Another advantage of eggs is its can be processed into various kinds of side dishes that are really delicious.

Do you ever imagine how eggs look if they got the feelings? These are the answers of if eggs got the Feelings.


2 komentar

set dah there's an english version? wkwkwkwk

yes, this is my first blog that I created in 2009 before I moved to then back again to with diffrent name, imroee my last blog so far.

But, this blog is still alive even I spend much time writing for